A Publication of the Daniel Webster Council, Boy Scouts of America Spring 2013
Thank You!

The Friendly Scouter is the quarterly newsletter of the Daniel Webster Council that aims to provide you with a "ninety second" update on the success and happenings of Scouting in the Granite State.  Your support helps us deliver the promise of Scouting to over 12,000 youth across the state.  Thank you for your generosity.  We look forward to seeing you at an event soon.

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Did you know...

2012 Council Highlights

  • The Daniel Webster Council served over 12,500 youth. 
  • Nearly $1,000,000 worth of popcorn was sold to benefit Scouting during the annual sale.
  • Camp Carpenter was voted a "Family Favorite" by the Parenting New Hampshire magazine for the second year in a row!
  • 81,736 hours of community service were contributed by units throughout New Hampshire.
  • 191 Eagle Scouts were awarded.

To learn more about the Daniel Webster Council, click here!

Our Newest Event!
Sno-Derby for Scouting

The inaugural Sno-Derby for Scouting was conducted on February 16 to showcase the year-round opportunities at Griswold Scout Reservation in Gilmanton Iron Works.  The fundraiser included activites not only for Scouting families, but the general public as well such as ice fishing, outdoor games and activities, trail rides and a snowmobile radar run on the lake.  Thank you to everyone that participated.  Details on next year's event will be available this fall. 

40 Years of Tradition... Times Two!
Distinguished Citizens Award Dinner

The 40th Annual Distinguished Citizens Award Dinner will honor Joe Reilly, President/CEO of Centrix Bank and Autofair on Thursday, June 20th at 7:00 PM at the Center of New Hampshire in Manchester.  Sponsorships and individual tickets for the event are still available.  Learn more about sponsorship opportunities at: www.nhscouting.org/dcad

Mascoma Savings Bank Corporate Classic

On Wednesday, June 5, 2013, the Quechee Club will open both the Highland and Lakeland Golf Courses to the 40th Annual Mascoma Savings Bank Corporate Classic, making for an exciting day of golf and fellowship.

For more information on this year's tournament and sponsorship opportunities, please visit: www.nhscouting.org/golf

Funding Scouting

If you would like to learn more about how Scouting is funded, please click here!

Exploring in New Hampshire
Quick Action Saves a Life

On November 17, 2012, Explorer Amelia Sweezey was honored with the Certificate of Merit.  She used the skills learned in her Explorer training to help save a 14-year old child from drowning at the West Alton Town Beach.  Amelia is a member of Post 900, Gilmanton-Barnstead Fire Explorers.  To learn more about Exploring, visit: www.nhexploring.org